Amongst several experiences of our work lifetime, what stays with us crystal clear is how we were managed by different bosses and which one left a deep mark on us.
They are the people who never believed in laying everything on the platter with a silver spoon, instead left critical things on our head all the while having our back. They who had an eagle’s view to every step we took to fulfil our responsibilities, and never hesitated to mince words when required. Infact, some of us even felt that they were being too harsh, but today when we look back; we realize that they were the best thing to happen to us.
Quite many times, we fondly remember our first manager (boss) from our professional life who sets a direction and the fortunate ones get several opportunities in the future to be reporting to a great manager. A pattern is set where we so perfectly understand each other and work in complete harmony. We would very much like to retire with the same manager watching out for us, but at times, some good things must end for a new journey to begin. Reasons can be manifold for the departure, and the first person to feel the heat is none other than the reportee.
Chaos can further lead to disillusionment and not knowing the reason behind the change can lead to several sleepless nights. Strange it seems but people do face withdrawal! A new environment, a new manager, conditions and working styles unknown all lead to rising speculations and a stray thought may cross the minds of the reportee – how about looking out and starting afresh? A new manager may suddenly feel incompetent to the role given to him.
For some, a rebellious streak may come into play, a personality not brought to the workspace earlier. There may be times when the new manager may ridicule the strategies of the predecessor spelling out a chance for loyalty test. While some may put a mental note to self, of calling it a gestation period and evaluating by the end of a certain milestone to call it quit or stay. They are others who can spell trouble and try unsettling the new manager by creating hurdles or withholding information critical for smooth functioning of the team. What the reportee forgets is that they are inflicting more harm to their own selves than just unsettling a newcomer.
In today’s time, a very popular jargon that we keep coming across is ‘that change is the only constant’ and we should be open in embracing it. Unknown environments and situations are here to stay, (aptly referred to as V(volatility) U(uncertainty) C(complexity) A(ambiguity)) and in case the reportee enjoyed privileges from the old equation, time to prove why they were hired for the position.
Loyalty should lie to the role and organization than an individual person, who too was hired to play a specific role. It is a universal truth that the working styles shall never be the same and every new person brings in lot many good practices, experiences and a new line of thought to tackle an age-old problem.
Being open to change begins with accepting that things are different now on. Acknowledging that the good manager (predecessor) too moved up the ladder/moved out for better opportunities, is a quick method to recover at the earliest. It is also the first step towards adding the feather of maturity to our career cap.
It is time to be hungry again in the want of new knowledge, absorbing everything a new manager can offer when it comes to working on new approaches, technological advancement, getting away with redundancy, gaining a new insight to how it’s done elsewhere. Remember the new manager too is anxious as they too enjoyed good equations with their previous team members and have embarked on a path with unknown constants and variables to deliver to the organization as promised. It all boils down to having that little faith on oneself and another person, which can definitely take the relationship to a long way from where it started. We may someday look back and reminisce that how good this manager too was and we owe our sparkle to them!
The Views Expressed Here Are Personal Of The Author And Not Representative Of The Organization In Any Way.
Profile: Akanksha is a Bachelor’s in Engineering prior to doing her MBA in HR. She started her career in 2009 as an HR professional straight after doing her MBA, beginning with Bhilai Engineering Corporation in the manufacturing sector later on switching to the IT sector. She is now based at Noida and is associated with Sopra Steria India, a French IT Consulting and Services organization where she is the SME for HR Reporting and Analytics.
Publsihed With Permission.